Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 11 at Media Development

Today still just consisted of making changes to some brochures I am working on, I am so close to being done I can taste it. As soon as I am done with these masterpieces I  will have them posted. A big chunk of the day consisted of working on some logos too, so that's always enjoyable. The end of the day consisted of me getting my picture taken though for a flyer and to test our photographers flash. So really just being a model. After that I am thinking about switching careers. Another 8 hours again today.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 10 at Media Development

Today I made some changes to a couple brochures I have been working on, so still nothing completed enough that I can post on here yet. For the second half of the day though I worked on a commercial while Frank was gone, it was the first time I had done it since he was gone so it took me a bit. I got quite a bit of it done and once he puts the finishing touches on it I will try and get it posted on here. 8 hours again today.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 9 at Media Development

Today was a short day here at Media Development thanks to the approaching 3 day weekend. I normally don't work Fridays but I came in today to help Frank with some stuff while he was gone shooting. Today I just cut audio all day, cutting out unusable parts and separating what is usable into categories. Today was a short 3 hour day. I also realize I haven't been posting any pictures lately, so as soon as I start getting things completed I will try and change that. Other than that, time to enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 8 at Media Development

Today was fairly uneventful, just working on some more logos for the new restaurant, which I won't be able to show you until after they selected one I'm sure. Other than that I worked on a brochure a lot of the day too, which is getting close to being completed. I also had a couple meetings today. One about helping to create an insert for a new product, and one about updating a brochure for a non profit organization. All in all the internship is exposing me to a lot of new elements, which is good. Another 8 hours today too.

Day 7 at Media Development

Today I was able to do something a little different than normal. Frank and Susan were gone on a shoot, so while they were gone I helped Frank out all morning and cut some audio. It was a lot of interviews so my job was to go in and just cut out the unusable parts and then sort what was usable into categories. It was something different so I enjoyed it. The other half of the day I just started to work on logo ideas for a new restaurant. I haven't gotten to do that in awhile so that made the day go by quick. Another 8 hour day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 6 at Media Development

Today consisted of a little designing, but mostly consisted of meetings and learning some new things. Frank taught me today how to do some video editing so I can start helping out with that while he is gone on shoots. That was new for me and pretty interesting, something I have never done before so I am excited to give it a shot. Later we just met about up upcoming projects and where we were on things. So I may not have done much designing but I still felt like it was a productive day. Another 8 hours for me again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 5 at Media Development

Today was a lot of resizing black and white ads for newspapers. So our normal Monday. The only thing color that I worked on was the brochure for the golf tournament which will be done soon and I will be able to throw up here. I also got a color ad done Thursday that I did not put up here so I will post that. It is a really simple ad for a Memorial day sale. So right now lots of little bread and butter ads. In a few days though I will get to start working on some logos though so that will be exciting. 8 hours today.

Mobile Health Ad 
Bergmann Nurseries Memorial Day Ad

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 4 at Media Development

Today I went to a meeting with Tim and Brandy to work with a company on a logo. They started on it before I got here so I have not got to touch it yet but I will in a few days. It was good to experience the elimination process of logos and the narrowing down of ideas. We have another round with them in a week so I will get to go to that too. When all is said and done I will post the final product here. I did some little newspaper ads today and worked on the brochure more. Nothing too crazy. Another 8 hours today too.

Day 3 at Media Development

Today was a pretty uneventful day. i just finished up changes on a few projects and resized some ones that Tim (the other designer) had already done. I started a brochure for a local Heating and Air company but it is still in the very early stages. I did do a small graduation ad for a newspaper. Also another 8 hours today.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 2 at Media Development

Today I got into the swing of things a little more. I am still working with a lady on the Alzheimer's golf brochure so I will have to post that later. I got through a few version of a rack card for one of our hotel clients. It is a lot of content but I don't think it is bad for a days work. It still needs a little work but I figured I would go ahead and post it. It is for a nicer hotel so I like that I can try and make it a little more elegant. Today I also worked another 8 hours.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 1 at Media Development

Today was my first day back at Media Development so this is also my first post for my internship. Today was not anything too exciting design wise. It mostly consisted of updating my computer and getting everything set up in the morning. Afterwards though I started to revise an annual brochure for a golf event held every year, I will post pictures when it is all done. I worked on it last year so it was familiar. I also got some things ready for Frank (the video editor) for a commercial. The rest of the day I cleaned out some files and started some ideas for a Rack Card for one of our clients. I worked a total of 8 hours today.